Eighteen 中学 students recently embarked on the second iteration of Waynflete’s Winter Ice and Snow Program (WISP) in New Hampshire’s White Mountains. 在Stephanie Dolan博士等专家的指导下. 苏珊娜·汉考克,2003年,这个小组探索了...
文章分类: 中学
Eighth-graders participated in a community service project at Crescent Beach State Park during the first semester. 学生收集1个以上,100 pieces of trash and cataloged their findings in Maine's state scientific report about ocean pollution. 他们的视觉艺术...
阿瑟·安德森博士.D., an associate teaching professor of archaeology from the University of New England, recently visited Waynflete to help grade 6 history students kick off their mock archaeological dig. 学生组得到一箱土壤(或土层)...
Phil Coupe from Revision Energy recently visited with seventh graders to teach them about different industries in Maine in preparation for their upcoming history unit, Maine Industry Past and Present (this unit will build off the seventh-grade theme “Exploring 首页”)....
中学学生会回来了! 由中学教务长约翰·麦克德维特带头, student council is an opportunity for 中学 students to share their insights and develop essential leadership skills. 13名代表——每个班级一名——由...
学生, 教师, 社区成员受到了鼓舞, 娱乐, and moved by Monday's evening interview with award-winning author Dr. Nnedi Okorafor. Dr. Okorafor spoke of her experience as a daughter of Nigerian immigrants, 她作为一个作家的过程, 她对...
Grade 6 students recently created their own city-states in the Fertile Crescent based on knowledge gained during their Mesopotamia unit. 他们得到了食物, 资源, 运输, 以及这段时期可用的工具...
今天是韦恩弗里特的生日! We celebrated our 125th year with a Founders' Day celebration that included cupcakes for all students and employees. 你知道韦恩弗里特的创始人吗, 艾格尼丝·洛厄尔和卡罗琳·克里斯菲尔德, 把学校卖给了一家新成立的公司...
Congratulations to the 中学 and 上学校 Latin students who participated in the Maine Junior Classical League Spring Convention last week! 学生 celebrated their love of Latin and made friends with other students from around the state while competing...
Congratulations to our Upper and 中学 teams on their impressive wins at the Maine Science Olympiad tournament this past weekend! 新巴黎人注册网站高中的两支球队, 队长是23岁的玛伦·库珀和23岁的里德·罗宾逊, 获得前三名...
Portland Stage Company gave an abridged performance of Shakespeare's Julius Caesar for the entire 中学 last week! Michael Dix Thomas '02 directed the play, and Elliot Nye '15 played Brutus. 戏剧8的学生参加了导演的实验室工作坊...
上周在新巴黎人注册网站是一场音乐剧! We had two lovely recitals on Wednesday that featured students in grades 2–11 who take private lessons with our outstanding Enrichment Music teachers. On Thursday, 70 musicians from five different ensembles (Acoustic...
尽管有这么多的伤害, the COVID-19 pandemic drove many school administrators and teachers to explore new opportunities for pedagogical innovation. 在Waynflete, 中学 Director Divya Muralidhara sought out fresh ideas to make the school’s grades 6–8 program more interdisciplinary,...
Chinese New Year—or Spring Festival—is China’s most important holiday. This year, the Year of the Rabbit, the celebration began on Sunday, January 22. Our students spent a week studying the traditions of this holiday in our 中学 Chinese classes. ...
Seventh-grade students recently visited the East End Beach to collect data on intertidal crabs. Their findings will be added to a collection of data from other citizen scientists and used to better understand crab population trends along the Maine coast.
Sixth-grade students recently visited with archaeologist Thomas Bennett at the Prince Memorial Library and Broad Cove Reserve in Cumberland to learn about shell middens. 学生 contributed to the archaeological record by conducting a count of the clam shell "hinges" found...
作为历史课上考古学新巴黎人注册网站的一部分, sixth-graders recently visited with archaeologist Thomas Bennett at the Prince Memorial Library and Broad Cove Reserve in Cumberland to learn about shell middens. 在图书馆,学生们帮助贡献...
Junior Anna Siegel recently received a Brookie Award from the Natural Resources Council of Maine, 哪个奖项表彰该州年轻的环保领袖. Learn more about her journey to becoming a climate justice activist in this recent 新闻 Center Maine profile:...