The college counseling program at Waynflete is designed to help students navigate the college search and application processes. Its goal is to help students find the best possible “matches” from among the vast array of colleges—literally thousands—available to consider. This should be an exciting time for students; it is a time for reflection, 自我发现, 重要的决策. The 大学咨询 Office works to take advantage of the learning opportunities presented by the processes, and 一个 of the program’s goals is to help students learn how to approach and ultimately make important decisions. Recognizing that this is often a time of great anxiety for students and their families, 该计划的另一个主要目标是减少这种焦虑.
It is an important tenet that is often emphasized to the students that they take control of the process as much as possible. The program strongly adheres to the principle that students need to be responsible 为ir own choices. They need to take the lead in identifying what is most important to them and ultimately, 在哪里申请. It is also important that they take primary responsibility 为 actual applications. 这不仅是最诚实的方法, but colleges regularly report that the best applications are those that provide genuine insight into an individual student. 在大学咨询办公室, 新巴黎人注册网站努力指导学生完成整个过程的各个部分, 回答所有的问题, 并给予重要的反馈.
The college search process begins formally in the second semester of a student’s junior year with a parent information evening in January (though the Office is happy to schedule meetings with students and families at any time). 当时, the 大学咨询 team offers a presentation on Waynflete’s approach to the college search process and provides much of the information parents need to help their children. Also, they invite parents to work with them as they assist students through the entire process.
同时, juniors begin meeting with 大学 Counselors on a weekly basis in small groups and schedule individual meetings to address specific questions and goals. 这些会议一直持续到大四的第一个学期. 在他们大学辅导员的帮助下, junior students concentrate on how to research and make decisions about 在哪里申请. 大四的主要重点是完成申请.
Of course, the college process actually begins well before the spring of junior year. 例如, students are compiling their transcripts—the most important part of any application—throughout high school. 学院顾问每年都与学生密切合作选择课程. Students actively consider how their current course selections will impact future options—both in high school and with regard to college. Advisors and the college counselors regularly review course selections with the college process in mind.
大学 Counselors welcome students and families to schedule a meeting to discuss individual questions and situations.
As an institutional member of the National Association of 大学 入学 咨询, 韦恩弗里特是NACAC的会员 良好做法原则声明, a document that makes clear the high ethical standards that ought to accompany the college admissions process.
- 和你的导师一起工作, 追求最具挑战性的, sustainable course load appropriate to your interests and strengths—colleges check closely to see what’s offered on Waynflete’s Profile.
- 了解并参加课外活动, 体育, 和韦恩弗莱特提供的俱乐部, 还有社区服务的机会. 记住,一些持续的参与比许多肤浅的参与要好.
- 参加PSAT10和Pre-ACT考试(3月份所有大二学生都可以参加).
- 与大学咨询办公室会面,决定你更喜欢哪种考试.
- 考虑暑期机会发展和探索兴趣, 参与更大的社区, 或者承担暑期打工的责任.
- Participate in fall college representative meetings that coincide with free periods
- 十月参加PSAT考试.
- 一月开始每周一次的大学辅导课程.
- 计划在2月、4月和暑假期间参观大学.
- 参与长期和持续的测试准备.
- Register to take the ACT or SAT (typically the March, April, or June test dates);
- 在夏天, continue to pursue activities and employment while making time for campus visits, 面对面的面试, 继续在线研究/参与.
- Continue weekly college counseling classes and 一个-on-一个 meetings with counselors.
- 在秋季与维恩弗利特大学的代表一起参观.
- 在1月1日之前重新参加ACT或SAT考试.
虽然标准化考试经常受到极大的关注, 重要的是要知道考试成绩是公正的 一个 大学在申请过程中考虑的诸多因素之一. 许多大学 不再要求考试成绩, and there are several standardized test options available depending on a student’s strengths and interests. 此外, 分数的重要性因学生而异, 取决于他或她所拥有的其他属性.
在Waynflete, we introduce students to standardized testing via administrations of the PSAT10 and the Pre-ACT in the spring of sophomore year. 学生不需要报名参加这两门考试. The 大学咨询 office will order the necessary tests directly from the testing organizations. The primary goal in administering the PSAT10 and the Pre-ACT to sophomores is for students to become familiar with the content and format of both standardized tests used by colleges and universities for admission purposes. The college counselors meet with each student to discuss their results on these practice tests and to help them identify which of the tests best suits their approach to test-taking
In the fall of the junior year, Waynflete students have the opportunity to take the PSAT/NMSQT.
Results from the Pre-ACT, PSAT10, and PSAT/NMSQT are NOT used for college admissions purposes. 在大三的冬天/春天, students meet with the college counselors to discuss their plans regarding the ACT and/or SAT as well as test-optional admissions. (There are additional testing opportunities in the summer following junior year as well the fall of senior year. ) Waynflete不能为学生注册ACT或SAT. Please see below for links students should use to register 为 ACT and/or SAT.
韦恩弗里特提供了一个 SAT预备课程 为大三学生提供额外的SAT准备和支持. 通过以下方式注册SAT预备课程 您的充实账户. 要创建一个充实帐户,请输入您的电子邮件地址登录. Click on “Register Now,” then “Start a New Application for 课外的 and Workshops 2021-22.”
- 全部课程(包括语言和数学部分)
- 半门课程(语言部分或数学部分).
2022年的SAT预备课程将是面对面的. Students will need a computer and a cell ph一个 to upload to the Khan Academy App.
半门课程,一个部分(数学或语言):$395 (f(包括课本)
你可能 报名 为 官方SAT考试 at 美国大学.org. 官方SAT考试将于2022年3月12日、5月7日和6月4日举行。 在附近地点. **你至少需要注册 提前四周 of the official test date; deadline dates are listed.
3月1日星期二: 3:30–5:00 p.m. (口头) | 3月22日星期二: 3:30–5:00 p.m. (口头) |
3月2日星期三: 12:30–2:00 p.m. (数学) | 3月23日星期三: 12:30–2:00 p.m. (数学) |
3月8日星期二: 3:30–5:00 p.m. (口头) | 3月29日星期二: 3:30–5:00 p.m. (口头) |
3月9日星期三: 12:30–2:00 p.m. (数学) | 3月30日星期三: 12:30–2:00 p.m. (数学) |
3月12日星期六:*官方SAT考试 | 周三, 4月27日: 审查 12:30–2:00 p.m. (数学),下午2:00-4:00.m. (口头) |
3月15日星期二: 3:30–5:00 p.m. (口头) | 5月7日星期六:*官方SAT考试 |
3月16日星期三: 12:30–2:00 p.m. (数学) | 6月4日星期六:*官方SAT考试 |